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Stategic Plan


Holistic Therapeutic Services Services, LLC (the Agency) is a community based organization dedicated to filling gaps in services to the citizens of Virginia with mental health issues.  Our intent is to engage in a strategic planning process every year  in which a variety of input and information is analyzed.

How We develop the Strategic Plan- We gather information for our annual plan via annual online surveys of the people we serve and their families, our staff, and stakeholders. We analyze our organization’s strengths, weaknesses, emerging opportunities and potential threats. From this process a strategic plan is formulated and the “critical issues” for the agency are developed and measurable goals are developed to address them.

Our Strategic Plan will be available upon request from persons served, stakeholders and personnel as deemed appropriate by the CEO.


The HTS mission is to provide optimal mental health support services to our clients through the human service field. Client achieve established goals and objectives so they are able to function as a productive member of society. Services are designed to help:

  • Increase academic achievement

  • Improve social functioning

  • Develop coping and problem solving strategies

  • Foster a sense of community responsibility

  • Provide stable and supportive living environment

  • Provide career and trade education




HTS  provides an array of high-quality services including:

  • Intensive In Home services

  • Mental Health Skill Building services

  • Addiction Services

  • Community Stabilization and Intervention


Expectations of persons served.

HTS is responsive to the feedback and expectations offered through the regular feedback that we obtain through surveys and meetings. The organization has continued to obtain information from persons served that will be used to drive the ongoing strategic planning processes. Currently, Holistic Therapeutic Services, participates in locally held provider advocacy forums, state level town hall meetings and Human Rights Committee Meetings. These participations will allow HTS to develop a more specific strategic planning process that will encompass the expectations of the person served and produce outcome driven results. Additionally, through ongoing partnership with community stakeholders who provide various resources to persons served, HTS solicits feedback to expand information received regarding the best way to meet the expectations of persons served.



Expectations of other stakeholders. HTS is responsive to the feedback and expectations offered through the regular feedback that we obtain through surveys and meetings.

Our stakeholders include Managed Care Organizations, other service providers, and community partners. Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC stakeholders desire agencies having an array of services who are responsive to their regulatory requirements and provide measurable, quality, cost effective services.


The competitive environment. When marketing our services to managed-care companies and preferred provider organizations, we take into consideration their needs. For example: group vs. individual treatment, family vs. individual treatment, after-hours accessibility, access on weekends, use and tracking of outcome measures, and customer satisfaction. Through the implementation of Project Bravo and the introduction of the Behavioral Health Crisis Hub for Region 4, the DMAS provider requirements for comprehensive crisis services expects that HTS maintain an MOU with Region 4.


Financial Opportunities

Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC has sufficient cash flow and reserves to operate in FY 2023. A continued goal for this year will be to obtain an additional line of credit to support additional payroll expenses  Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC has added additional programs with expansion of services provided to the state of Texas. In December 2021, there was a 12.5% rate increase provided by DMAS across all services.


In FY 2023 and beyond Holistic Therapeutic Services Services, LLC will work to increase a footprint in the Substance Use demographic of services to be able to offer various services across all levels of care. These planned developments will provide Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC financial opportunities for growth.


Financial Threats

Program Integrity, and other governmental auditing functions have identified VA as “low hanging fruit” and targeted it for Medicaid Over-Payments auditing. In January 2023, another transition has been made within the Virginia Managed Care Health plan known as Cardinal Care which combines the pool of individuals eligible for federal health care coverage. While no immediate threats have been identified, HTS is aware of the potential barriers this may pose to new and existing medicaid members in accessing care.  Continued participation in Managed Care Organizations, requires Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC to contractually agree to utilization and review requirements that at times can be contradictory to state regulations as it relates to service provision and documentation. Thus resulting in an increase in denial of service authorizations and claims. Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC must have a clear, aggressive corporate compliance program in place to meet this threat. 



While external auditors and the threat of recoupment for overpayment of Medicaid payments remain a threat in VA, Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC has taken positive action over the previous calendar year to remediate internal risks and vulnerabilities. The agency will continue to implement its compliance program to help identify and correct gaps in systems, policies and procedures, ensuring protection from third-party auditing firms.


Financial Needs

Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC needs to allocate money to accomplish its Information Technology and expansion goals in 2023.  Specifically:

  • $5,000 for associated fees with CARF Resurvey

  • $1000 for information technology

  • $5000 for recruitment and ongoing staff training


The organizations capacities

The leadership team is composed of highly knowledgeable and experienced executive officers and directors. The agency has contracted with a consulting firm to offer additional support and oversight for improvement in business practices and overall programmatic changes. Under the guidance of the Chief Executive Officer, the organizational culture is one that reflects employee satisfaction & innovative practices. One difficulty that Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC has to overcome is recruiting and hiring qualified staff. In regards to planning for future workforce needs, Holistic Therapeutic Services, LLC must look at recruiting and retention strategies to address this deficit. The employee market is one that has become extremely competitive since the pandemic and the organization must work to establish itself as a preferred employer in the central Virginia area.


Social Determinants of Health

Holistic Therapeutic Services, acknowledges the impact that social determinants of health may have on a person served. It will be an ongoing goal of the organization to increase access to service and remove barriers within the reach of the organization. Holistic Therapeutic Services recognizes that some of these factors are derived from the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.


Some of the key determinants that were identified for FY 2023 and still remain are the increased housing crisis rates that remain unresolved due to lack of funding. A large percentage of the population of persons served maintain residences in low income areas that have lost funding for income based living and subsidized housing projects. Despite the efforts made during the pandemic to expand access to healthcare, those provisions have since been reduced and have created an extreme deficit in the quality of health care available to individuals dependent on federal healthcare.


Demographics of the Service Area

Holistic Therapeutic Services has a central office in Chesterfield, Virginia while supporting satellite offices in other regions of the state. The location of the central office provides additional access and visibility to stakeholders.


The organization’s relationships with external stakeholders.

Our stakeholders include state Managed Care Organizations, community partners and other service providers. In general the organization has an excellent relationship with our referral sources and regulators and continues to solicit feedback from our stakeholders and participate in care coordination with other providers.


The regulatory environment.

It is likely that in 2025  the state will require that all behavioral healthcare providers become nationally accredited.  HTS sees the value in accreditation and has researched the accreditation process and the governing bodies. HTS has successfully obtained a 1 year accreditation and is preparing for its re survey in July 2023.


As it relates to the Managed Care Organizations who are contracted with DMAS to provide regulatory oversight and payment for services rendered, HTS has received and analyzed feedback from various MCO audits conducted. This information will continue to be utilized in ongoing strategic planning and performance improvement to include training to address any deficit within the workforce or service delivery


The legislative environment.

Virginia has a Republican triplex and a divided trifecta. The Republican Party controls the offices of governor, secretary of state, and attorney general.The legislative branch determines such things as what services or programs of care the government will pay for and for which members of society. Due to reasons that remain unclear to the organization, the development of legislative changes for Comprehensive Crisis Services (also known as Project BRAVO has been delayed significantly and has consisted of vacillating changes in regulatory changes. The turmoil and lack of a unified clear policy position in Congress will most likely impact service funding in some way. Holistic Therapeutic Services Services, LLC will need to close watch these dynamics.



The use of technology to support efficient and effective operations.

Holistic Therapeutic Services Services, LLC will continue to place an emphasis on developing its Information Technology. Specifically, the agency should focus on the following:

  • Technology acquisition-The agency has updated  to a more user friendly EMR system that has allowed for increased efficiency in documentation and quality assurance efforts

  • Technology maintenance-The agency will continue to ensure that staff are in possession of working communication devices while providing comprehensive crisis services

  • Leadership will support the ongoing assessment of input on the organization's use of technology from person served, personnel, and other stakeholders.

  • Technology replacement- The agency will audio/visual equipment in congregate areas for training

  • Develop HIPAA complaint company intranet including online training for staff. For 2023-2024 HTS will continue to work on developing a HIPPA compliant company intranet. As of 1/1/23, HTS has successfully implemented the use of a company monitored email address for all communications provided to and by leadership and personnel.


All positions in Medical Addiction Treatment require extensive credentials, licensing and board certifications please contact about services. All mental health positions requires a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in a human services field and at least one year of experience in a social work or a clinical setting.   The candidate must meet all state requirements regarding criminal record history, central registry search, and must possess a valid Virginia driver’s license with  a good driving record.  Must be able to respect client’s right to confidentiality. Internships available


Monday - Friday 

9:30am - 4:30pm


Contact for more info


Chesterfield Office  (804) 205-1011

Norfolk Office          (757) 578-5433

Fredericksburg        (804) 319-0376

Dallas, Texas            (804) 205-1011

Fax (804) 479-8175



Petersburg Address                 Norfolk Address          Fredericksburg Address

9401 Courthouse Rd                900 Granby St             10699 Spotsylvania Ave

Suite 300                                    Suite 272                     Fredericksburg, VA 22401   Chesterfield, VA 23832            Norfolk, VA 23510


Dallas, TX

12810 Hillcrest Rd

Suite B221

Dallas TX 75230




© 2021 Holistic Therapeutic Services all rights reserved

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